A Quiet Song

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Wise other

We once assumed anyone that wasn't us was wise.

But I think we were wrong. Because I feel like you feel like we're right and no matter how they try, they've always left us wanting and there's nothing we can do but spit the mark of a question to all of their faces.

They define themselves by what they know, we define them by what they don't know.

Sunday, January 08, 2006


This is A Pronoun.

A Pronoun can do everything.

But we don't worship him. Or her. Or them.

(Ironically, we are A Pronoun).

Friday, December 09, 2005



Early departure.
Some things are not designed with justice in mind.

But I still have tomorrow and the following two days. Then...
Early departure.

At least I'm good at the closest thing
(to time travel)

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Yes toward hey, Iowa's pie in,
Sea in
Tool over sin brace bee knee the
kit chin win dough.

Won't make sense unless

Read aloud.

Friday, October 28, 2005

(I'm going crazy now)

mind iteration + people's pretend
hoard treasure chest dreams
static entities incorrectly
hoard chest idealists

mind iteration + pretend
static entities correct

mind iteration is
softer, please
static entities
softer, thanks

mind iteration
static... always


Thursday, October 20, 2005

Passport = pwned

I can see the world in 2 - 6 weeks.

Monday, October 10, 2005


Norway has now been moved from several thousand miles away to a mere thought in my head. This was accomplished by learning that I won't be going to Norway any time soon.

Apparently, my parents' method of telling me I couldn't go involves never really saying anything about it. They never really said anything about it for a few months, so I went ahead and took that as a sign to mean I could go. When you consider that I bring up a trip to Norway almost every day, that wasn't too big a thing to assume.

The trip was planned for next month. What a convenient time to be informed that I won't be going after all. I'll still be going to France, of course, but guess who doesn't live in France?

(The answer is "Katerina." Another valid anser would be "Kaja." Bonus points if you guessed them both).

Any autobiography that I choose to write will no doubt contain long passages expressing the emotional turmoil I have suffered because of my trip to Norway that never happened. That IS a lie, because I haven't suffered any emotional turmoil, but if I don't add something like that the book will never be published.

So there's your update on my travels of Europe.
I have just been informed that four emails currently reside in my inbox. A clever little pop-up window that doesn't annoy me in the least came from the bottom of the screen and told me. It was under the impression that I was interested in my emails. Such a misconception...

There is a bit of satisfaction in closing out of those clever little pop-ups. There is also a bit of satisfaction in the knowledge that I have absolutely no intention of checking those emails for many weeks. In fact, the only thing I intend to do with those emails is blatantly ignore them day after day after day until their numbers exceed what is generally considered a healthy number of unread emails. That's my small way of fighting the system.